Our Office Staff

Kaylee Ver Steeg
Audiology Assistant
Favorite Sound: Hum of a corn head on a combine
Meet Kaylee Ver Steeg
Kaylee came to Baker in June, 2024 with her gracefulness and joy! She attended Brandon Valley and was part of the first-ever Competitive Cheerleading team and was inducted into the hall of fame in 2017 for being a part of the first-ever state champions! She continues to bleed red and black. She followed in her sister’s footsteps and attended the University of Sioux Falls with a bachelor’s in Biology and a master’s in education. She taught freshman biology at Sioux Falls Lincoln for 5 years. Along with teaching, she coached cheerleading and gymnastics.
In June 2022, she married Cody after meeting at a Bible study and becoming great friends in 2020! She will often talk about soil health, crops and weather! Kaylee and her husband farm in Inwood, IA with family. She enjoys spending time at Lake Madison and Lake Brant. However, you will often find her at a sporting event cheering on her niece and nephews or chasing her puppies, Grady and Gloria!