According to the World Health Organization, nearly 50 million American citizens are affected by the common condition known as hearing loss. Chances are, by heading over to this article, you might have experienced some form of hearing loss in your life already. While you will understandably be concerned, know that your life can be improved with the use of a hearing aid. If you have thus far been reluctant to consider the possibility, it is in your best interest to speak to an audiologist. After doing so, you will experience the many benefits that can be afforded to you.

The sustained benefits of hearing aids

There are too many benefits to list in one article, but we think the following are the most prominent.

Your everyday hearing will improve

After all, if you were to live without a hearing aid, you might miss out on the sounds of birds singing, your doorbell ringing and the voices of the people speaking to you. In all aspects of your life, you would experience limitations and on a daily basis, your life would feel incomplete. However, with a hearing aid, you would be able to enjoy and manage life to your best ability.

You will have a higher level of self-esteem

Without a hearing aid, you might be less inclined to take part in social situations. You might feel embarrassed when you constantly have to ask people to speak up. And you might struggle with confidence when going for job interviews, attending dinner parties and other occasions where the ability to hear could be considered paramount. Your self-esteem might plummet because of these limitations, and you might develop anxiety and low moods as a result. However, you can regain your self-confidence by having a hearing aid installed, as you wouldn’t have to experience those knocks to your confidence that come about with the inability to hear correctly.

You will do better at work

You would struggle to contribute at team meetings. If you struggled to hear what people were saying, you might make mistakes in your work too, as your reduced ability to correctly hear instructions could affect your performance. Needless to say, your work life would be badly affected if these things became true, so deciding to get a hearing aid could be one of the best decisions you will ever make. You will then have the freedom to speak up at meetings, you would make fewer mistakes and you would experience the benefits of both greater confidence and increased productivity in the workplace.

You will protect your brain

According to the research discussed in this article, there is a connection between dementia and untreated hearing loss. It’s not that hearing loss directly causes dementia, but the change in your brain function can allegedly hurry along the condition. You can read more about this in the linked article. However, research has also suggested that wearing a hearing aid can slow down cognitive decline, so for the sake of both your hearing and your memory, you shouldn’t delay in seeking the advice of an audiologist. While the idea of hearing aids might be off-putting to you, it’s important to remember the long-term benefits to your health.

You will have more independence

Without the ability to hear correctly, you might be reliant on people at home and at work to help you. You would have less freedom to drive as well, because with hearing loss, safety could become a major issue. However, with the help of a hearing aid, you would have the confidence and the ability to do things for yourself again.

What type of hearing aid is right for you?

If you are experiencing hearing loss, then we hope you can now see the benefits of a hearing aid. But what type of hearing aid is right for you? These are the main options.

In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids

ITE hearing aids are the popular choice for many, and this is partly because they are nearly unnoticeable. Especially if you are worried about feeling self-conscious, you would have less to worry about with one of these devices. They can be tailor-made for your ear too, so a lack of comfort wouldn’t have to be a negative factor. And because of their recessed design, you would have the sustained ability to use phones and headsets without having to take out your hearing aid.

In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids

These custom-made devices snug into your ear canal. They are among the smallest models on the market too, so in terms of comfort and visibility, you have little to worry about. You can also use such devices as phones and headsets will little bother too, so these are worth considering when in conversation with an audiologist.

Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids

These hearing aids are generally bulkier than the others we have mentioned, but there are advantages. They are less likely to need repairs as they tend to be more wear-resistant. They are easier to clean. And while the previous devices are often used by those with mild to medium hearing loss, BTE devices can be used, no matter how profound your hearing loss is. For more advice on hearing loss and the right hearing aid for you, contact Baker Audiology & Hearing Aids at (605) 610-3466. Our team of audiologists will be glad to assist you in any way you need.